Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Michael Vick???? Update

Oh so now they are not going to prosecute Michael Vick. Quick recap, Michael Vick quarterback (they say) for the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL was stopped last week in the Miami Airport. Seems Mr. Vick (you know he has never flown on a plane or been through airport security even though he travels half the time for his job) tried to carry a bottle of water through airport security. Well this is not allowed any longer and then he did not want to surrender the bottle. Well this just set off all the bells and whistles in heads of the airport security workers. So they take and bottle and find a SECRET compartment in it behind the label. Inside the notice a residue and aroma which strongly indicates pot, weed, marijuana. Well big story then after the authorities say it will be weeks before they know what is in the compartment they somehow magically make the bureaucratic process approach the speed of light and come back in what 4 days to say that it was not pot and no charges will be filed.
BIG QUESTION HERE : Who in the country has a use for a secret compartment in a water bottle? Then this person doesn't want to surrender the bottle for inspection oh yeah this has the fingerprint of innocence all over it. I still say WHAT A MORON!!!
Now there have been rumors of a trade this week from the Falcons to the Raiders, you know who the Falcons would get in return????? Randy Moss, the very model for a modern model citizen right there, I mean he only tries to run over traffic officers with his car. The NFL should expand to one more team located at a Federal Penitentiary and send all these wonderfully gifted individuals for a long term get away. Though there are so many malcontents in sports now a days this team would probably win the Championship.

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