Thursday, March 8, 2007

Global Warming - What a Charade

There is something everyday in the news about Global Warming and the dire affects that we as a race are damaging our environment. This is the very trendy position to have. I for one think it is a load of bull. If you look back throughout history the Earth has continuously gone through periods of warming, cooling and extreme warming and extreme cooling over and over again. But today the in thing to do is to rail against the industrial age and our wastefulness saying that we as a race are a cause of global warming. If you look at the facts and look at some of the previous doomsayers you come to realize that this is another pattern we are currently in not the end of the world as Al Gore and his fellow junk scientists would have you believe.
First the current state is supposed to be the warmest on record but just today we have this from the US government agency:
So this past February was the 34 coolest in 113 years on record.
Then we have the truth that our weather on Earth is more related to the activity of the sun than anything we do here on Earth. Anyone who doubts the power the Sun puts out and the ability it has to dictate our weather and living patterns is living in a fairy tale.
Enjoy this article about the lies being told about global warming:
Now we have another factor which can greatly contribute to global "cooling" yes global "cooling" instead. Read the article about the year without a summer in 1816:
We are more apt to have weather changes due to volcanic eruptions and solar activity than anything we have done as a species. It is time people take a look at true facts and historical record and stop believing in pseudoscience which is all theory and no fact. Are we going to base our beliefs about our climate on facts documented over centuries or on the new found holy grail of the left wing liberals in global warming?
I will also include this article read on the Senate floor please if you read any of the links I have posted here make it this one there is a surprise at the end which will make your jaw drop if you do not know about this before hand:
Let me know what you think but be sure you read up properly on the subject first because I have shown here plenty to give you pause if you are on the global warming bandwagon.

That's My2Cents

1 comment:

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