Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fired US Attorneys

So Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is being called on to resign. It seems he found that 8 US attorneys have not been doing their jobs at all much less to the low standards set by the Bush Administration. So this is horrible and political and just such a disgrace oh my oh my oh the humanity!!!!!! How dare he!!!! What a horrible man anyone who would fire 8 attorneys for not doing their jobs what an Anti-Christ!!! He is evil and should be tarred and feathered. But WAIT!!!! HOLD ON!!! Just a SEC!!!! More news now.
It seems that President (and I use that term as loose as possible) Clinton and then Attorney General Janet Reno (remember Elian Gonazalez) decided they would fire all, yeah that's right ALL!!!!! , 93 US attorneys and replace them with the hacks we have had to deal with the last 12 years. But now Attorney General Alberto Gonazles wants 8 of them replaced and it is such a horror and disgraceful. You bunch of hypocrite democrats try growing a set and standing behind your stand for more than just politics and then maybe the rest of America will actually listen to you before voting, IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But there will be no fair coverage in the media and Attorney General Gonzales will be put through the laundry to explain his horrible actions, Could it be that these 8 idiots were dropping cases and acting like morons well probably but that would be too fair to report.
And here is an archive from a web posting from the time the first firing actually happened:

And That's My2Cents

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