Thursday, March 22, 2007

Partisan Politics

Someone in a stop and shop said the other day while watching TV about the Attorney General Scandal about Partisan Politics. Now this struck me and hard. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican in this country all politics are partisan. This is the biggest problem in this country (the USA) today. Instead of sending men or women to represent the constituents they instead represent their "PARTY" what a joke. I mean come on the biggest problem in DC right now is that all these idiots do is vote on party lines, do their idiot investigations which come to nothing but wasting money, and vote themselves pay raises. Oh there I am wrong in their infinite wisdom an earlier congress set up the raises to automatically happen every DAMN year unless they vote against it. What a crock that is. These are mostly millionaires already making more money with a better health plan and retirement plan than any industry in the world today. Those soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan everyday and getting maimed for life will never get the type of medical care that some moron Congressman or Senator will get for life for serving 4 to 6 years, which is what each and every one should have to serve in jail for what they pass as legislation during their terms in the legislative branch. They are scum and unless a radical change is made always will be scum and vote only on party lines or where they get the most "pork" for their district. They are jokes, and everything they have done since WWII has been a joke. They are willing to turn our nation into a socialist nation within the next 10 years if there is not a change. This country has become great and a world power because of the fact that those who succeed have fought for what they have and worked their way to the top. Now the legislative branch along with the help of the executive and judicial branches want to take away property and profits and send them to everyone in the country. I am sorry if you don't earn it it is not yours and you do not deserve it. Welfare, food stamps and other social programs should be only for a limited time and not a way of life. Instead the branches of government use this as a tool to keep the people of this nation at their beck and call. This is absurd and disgusting.
All 3 branches of government should never receive more or better treatment for any health problem than those who serve do not receive. The income of any member of the legislative branch should never be allowed to rise above the average income of the over all population. This should be a secondary job alone and nothing more, forget all the damn perks and lobby money they should show up for 4 months pass appropriate legislation and go the frick home and work their full time jobs. Until this is done this country is in trouble and will never recover and be as great as it once was.
And that's My2Cents.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

$38 Billion - OOPS!

Wow now here is a big time OOPS. Seems an IT (Information Technology) techie accidentally wiped out the primary and backup drives of a system which held the information for a $38 billion oil funded account in Alaska. Man you think this guy still has a job? They said no one pointed any fingers and there was no witch hunt but dang how could someone not lose their job over this one? That guy should have flown to Vegas with his life saving and put it all on the line with that kind of luck.
Being an IT worker throughout my career though I know how this guy must have felt when it was realized what happened. I bet there was a run on Tums wherever he was when he found out how bad it was.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hillary You Horrible B***H

So Hillary thinks Alberto Gonzales should resign, maybe just maybe she should check the frickin' record of her first administration, being 8 years of HELL from Bill Clinton. They fired 93 US Attorneys in the first year. But let US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales fire just 8 of them for being incompetent morons and she is calling for his resignation. Well Hilldabeast where were you when your hubby fired 93 for no other reason than they were put there by a Republican. Horrible WENCH!!!

And that's MY2Cents

Fired US Attorneys

So Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is being called on to resign. It seems he found that 8 US attorneys have not been doing their jobs at all much less to the low standards set by the Bush Administration. So this is horrible and political and just such a disgrace oh my oh my oh the humanity!!!!!! How dare he!!!! What a horrible man anyone who would fire 8 attorneys for not doing their jobs what an Anti-Christ!!! He is evil and should be tarred and feathered. But WAIT!!!! HOLD ON!!! Just a SEC!!!! More news now.
It seems that President (and I use that term as loose as possible) Clinton and then Attorney General Janet Reno (remember Elian Gonazalez) decided they would fire all, yeah that's right ALL!!!!! , 93 US attorneys and replace them with the hacks we have had to deal with the last 12 years. But now Attorney General Alberto Gonazles wants 8 of them replaced and it is such a horror and disgraceful. You bunch of hypocrite democrats try growing a set and standing behind your stand for more than just politics and then maybe the rest of America will actually listen to you before voting, IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But there will be no fair coverage in the media and Attorney General Gonzales will be put through the laundry to explain his horrible actions, Could it be that these 8 idiots were dropping cases and acting like morons well probably but that would be too fair to report.,2933,258642,00.html
And here is an archive from a web posting from the time the first firing actually happened:

And That's My2Cents

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Global Warming - What a Charade

There is something everyday in the news about Global Warming and the dire affects that we as a race are damaging our environment. This is the very trendy position to have. I for one think it is a load of bull. If you look back throughout history the Earth has continuously gone through periods of warming, cooling and extreme warming and extreme cooling over and over again. But today the in thing to do is to rail against the industrial age and our wastefulness saying that we as a race are a cause of global warming. If you look at the facts and look at some of the previous doomsayers you come to realize that this is another pattern we are currently in not the end of the world as Al Gore and his fellow junk scientists would have you believe.
First the current state is supposed to be the warmest on record but just today we have this from the US government agency:
So this past February was the 34 coolest in 113 years on record.
Then we have the truth that our weather on Earth is more related to the activity of the sun than anything we do here on Earth. Anyone who doubts the power the Sun puts out and the ability it has to dictate our weather and living patterns is living in a fairy tale.
Enjoy this article about the lies being told about global warming:
Now we have another factor which can greatly contribute to global "cooling" yes global "cooling" instead. Read the article about the year without a summer in 1816:
We are more apt to have weather changes due to volcanic eruptions and solar activity than anything we have done as a species. It is time people take a look at true facts and historical record and stop believing in pseudoscience which is all theory and no fact. Are we going to base our beliefs about our climate on facts documented over centuries or on the new found holy grail of the left wing liberals in global warming?
I will also include this article read on the Senate floor please if you read any of the links I have posted here make it this one there is a surprise at the end which will make your jaw drop if you do not know about this before hand:
Let me know what you think but be sure you read up properly on the subject first because I have shown here plenty to give you pause if you are on the global warming bandwagon.

That's My2Cents

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Heroes, what is a Hero to me? Well a Hero to me is someone I admire, respect and believe their actions are worthy of being noted. Who are my heroes? Well I am a sports fanatic but with very few exceptions there aren't many heroes in sports. I will include a link about one hero at the end of this post you can read about him and enjoy his story too.

My Heroes, first obviously my Father, he prepared me for life like many fathers do not these days. Second my wife, yes my wife, why? She serves in the US armed forces, for over 10 years now. See she wanted and had planned to serve before we met, I told her at the time that if she ever wanted to serve to tell me and we would work through it. Almost 2-3 years into our marriage she said she still wanted to. I said "I hate my job and I don't like the city we live in so let's do it." So she enlisted and for over 10 years I have followed her across the USA as she serves this country, so she is my hero before 9-11 and after she never falters in her job or belief in what she does.

Who are my other Heroes? Those that server honorably with her. The men and women of the US Armed Services, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army, and Coast Guard. Yes I know the Coast Guard is under Homeland Security now but they protect our shores and get little glory, they fight drug dealers, rescue sailors and others in trouble and are there when called upon like during hurricane Katrina. These are my heroes, my friends and neighbors. Jeff my brother in law here in ND, Glenn here in ND, Dan in Korea, Kelly at Altus, Al in Germany, Tommy in Texas, and many many more. Those who do not deal with military families everyday do not understand the workload these people work under. Yeah if lucky they get all the federal holidays off. But most people do not know how long these people work everyday at their jobs. Many work 10 hours most days then there are exercises which means 13 hour days for 1-2 weeks at a time including weekends. And guess what? No overtime, little if any comp time they just go and work and keep the peace and fight in wars and die without thought from many Americans and others throughout the world who are free today because of the sacrifice of all those who serve. These people take on year long tours away from families and friends and 3-4 month temporary duty assignments away from families to serve and maintain the always ready status of our military. Kelly just finished a year away from his family, and Dan is serving one now. Imagine that being half a world away from your wife or husband and kids for a year. Do you know how much a child can change in a year? Can you fathom that? But they do it does it bother them, I am sure it does but they don't quit and the families make do without that loved one until they return. So on top of the military members I will include their spouses, and especially the kids because think about the sacrifice they make being without mom or dad or both for a year. I know one family the father was in Korea for a year then the wife got orders to serve in Afghanistan the tours over lapped, another family took in the children for 2 months until the father got home. And it was more than a year because the mother had to go for extra training before being deployed for the year so it was more along the lines of 14 months away from the family. Think about that when you sip your coffee today.

These are my Heroes always have been always will be. If you see a service member thank them buy them a latte or soda because the pay ain't that great trust me. They just trudge on day after day and stand guard on our shores, land and overseas so that we can sleep at night and send our kids to school and watch our Super Bowls. Don't be surprised if they refuse the latte or soda but insist anyway they are a PROUD bunch!

Here is the link about a Hero enjoy it and let it warm your heart:,2933,256521,00.html

So this post is dedicated to those who serve, especially my wife this one is for you. Love you.

That's My2Cents