Sunday, April 15, 2007

Taxpayer Dollars Working their Hardest

Well I am so glad my family pays so much in taxes. I mean without our fair share our reps up in DC couldn't afford this kind of stimulating work on our behalf:
Way to go both Dem's and Reps, you guys make us all so very proud that you can take a tax payer paid trip to the Caribbean for Homeland Security. I feel oh so much safer now.
THROW all these idiots out. WHY ARE WE PAYING FOR THIS!!!!! Until someone with conviction enters congress and gets support we will continue to waste money to send these idiots on vacation. Take a look at their retirement plan sometime and their health care. We waste more money on these idiots that probably Defense spending.
They should all be rounded up and sent home and banned from ever serving in Congress again. We should ban all the lobbies and all the gifts they are allowed to take. Make Congress both House and Senate part time jobs and only for the benefit of the people and get rid of these idiots.

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